amabile awesome

xo, Amabile Awesome

• Agent of Amelioration •

• Sonic Sorceress •

• Digital Deva •

• Visual Valkarie •

• Empress of Eloquence •


I make things pretty & cool & bad ass.

Lemme upgrade you… engage.

based in this galaxy.

have love.

will travel.

making the world a better place to live through music, visual art, technology, & the divine feminine.

“Se vuoi trovare i segreti dell’universo, pensa in termini di energia, frequenza e vibrazioni.”

-Nikola Tesla


“If you are a dreamer, come in,

If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,

A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer…

If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fire

For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.

Come in!

Come in!”

amabile adj. (It.)


ama·bi·le | \ äˈmäbəˌlā, əˈ-, -lē \

love, sweetness, charm.

a direction in music: brahms used allegro amabile in the clarinet sonata op.120 no.2, first movement.

awesome adj.

awe·some | \ ˈȯ-səm \

causing or inducing awe; inspiring an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, or fear: life is fucking awesome!

slang. very impressive: you look awesome today!


Amabile is a multifaceted artist, music producer, sound healer, ​entrepreneur, and intrepid explorer of curiosities. With a rich ​background of contributing to diverse creative projects for ​renowned brands such as Levi’s, Bentley, Naim Audio, and Nikita ​Clothing, she has now embarked on an exciting solo mission. In ​the present, she channels her energy into crafting music and ​visual art with healing frequencies and energies, curating a feel-​awesome corner of the internet, and weaving a web for the ​Divine Feminine made of facts, fiction, and frequencies.

Simultaneously, Amabile is at the helm of developing a publishing ​house, a record label, and ever researching technologies that ​will reveal the truth of humanity's inherent rights to unlimited ​abundance, freedom, and love.

Amidst this creative and visionary journey, Amabile playfully ​describes herself as "raising unicorns!" and invites you to join her ​in a world where art, frequencies, and a commitment to truth ​converge. Stay awesome.

“I like to bend the body, mind & soul.

I watch birds.

I am a devoted auntie & a lifelong surfer of the Shakti.”

Śrī Mātré Namah

I’m Nobody! Who are you?

Are you – Nobody – too?

“Theres lights, and sounds, and stories, and music’s just a part!!!”

• LCD Soundsystem •


• everything • alchemist • strange genius • eternal • mystic • creatrix • quantum being • synthesizer • guide • beditator • architectonic • curiosity curator • much wow • beginner • perception editor • goddess daughter • visionary • fashion first • pleiadian • complex • infinite • romantic • chaos converter • prepared • flow follower • decentralist • ephemeral • dirt digger • limitless • philosophical • retrograde reformer • sneaky • grounded • easy breezy • intrepid explorer • champion • mental • playful • connection connoisseur • hermit • watcher • yogini • creative calibrator • unclassifiable • music maker • explosive • font dilettante • preoccupied • sleeps like a baby on planes • sophisticated • gap minder • wanderer • skeptic • snow surfer • conspirator • fire tender • magical • evocateur of new ideas & patterns • pied piper • sassy • idea hunter • art in motion • way finder • disciplined • satchitananda • divine feminine • impermanent • pillow fort official • leo moon • something • inspiration igniter • fierce • gypsy with a list • steazy beazy • gentle • story teller • information wrangler • a ray of fucking sunshine • discerning • rasa lila • undefinable • artist • talks to plants • numbers girl • mythological • provocateur of positivity • poetic • lax of identification 1 • indigo child • woogie woo • deeply superficial • captain of team awesome • time traveller • sovereign • fairy • projector • jumpsuit expert • amusing • butter thief • lady of leisure • stardust • nothing •

none of this is real


Wanna muse? Say hi.

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